Leadership and Change Management


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Pages : 212; Paperback;
210 X 275 mm approx.

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Leadership and Change Management, Textbook, Workbook

Leadership and Change Management

Leadership is often considered a mysterious quality, often linked with charisma and other exotic personality traits. It is considered more inspiring than management. However, such assumptions have no place in a study of leadership and management of businesses. Leadership and management are essential, distinctive, and complementary systems of action. If they fail to complement one another in practice, the result is chaos or stagnation. A majority of today's corporations are over-managed and under-led. They are lacking in leadership. Well-led organizations do not wait for leaders to emerge on their own, but actively seek out people with leadership potential and groom them into leaders, while exposing them deliberately to varied work experiences. The leadership process can be institutionalized with careful selection, nurturing, and encouragement. Leaders have to be groomed, and leadership has to be institutionalized. Organizations grow by expanding into new competitive spaces, attaining a complex mix of financial, material and knowledge assets, expanding market scope, and replicating and standardizing their wins in similar market spaces.

Competitive spaces undergo change, new technologies emerge, and customers change. However, companies sometimes fail to change and make the most of new opportunities. Instead, they choose the more convenient and less risky option of trying to get the best out of the old opportunities. Any newly espoused strategy, however explicit and sensible, inevitably comes up against an implicitly enacted strategy supported by all the aged, compounded steering mechanisms that the company already has in place.

This is largely because people fear uncertainty. They fear that if they embrace change, their current status maybe adversely affected. Defensive mechanisms stop an organization from adapting to change. Overcoming this resistance to change is one of the greatest challenges facing leaders today.

Leadership and Change Management book deals with the theories of leadership, and the skills needed to be an effective leader and change agent.